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Can you paint LED bulbs?
Written by: Leon Bagga

Can you paint LED bulbs?

If you’re looking to change the colour of your interior lighting you might be wondering “Can you paint light bulbs?”. In this blog, we’ll talk you through the types of bulbs safe for painting, and the best types of paint to use to transform any LED light into a bright new colourful light source.

If you’re looking for a lighting solution, check out Vision Lighting's range of brilliant LED bulbs

Can you paint light bulbs?

The simple answer is yes you can paint light bulbs, but only certain bulbs are suitable for this process. Traditional light bulbs like halogen or incandescent bulbs produce a lot of heat, enough to burn you should you touch the bare bulb when the light is on. 

This level of heat emission means that any paint added to the bulb can burn off or heat any chemicals in the paint and produce toxic fumes. The paint is also unlikely to stay on the bulb and flakes of burnt paint can cause major fire hazards. 

LED lighting products are the more suitable option for painting as they produce far less heat compared to other bulbs. LED bulbs can also be battery operated, removing any dangers associated with excess energy from the mains power supply. 

LED lights have a range of benefits and these bulbs are typically made from plastic, meaning they don’t absorb heat in the same way that glass bulbs do. 

Whilst you can technically paint LED bulbs, it’s important to be safe when doing this and pick the correct paint for the job. 

Why might you want to paint a light bulb?

Painting a light bulb can be a great way to brighten up or change the colour of a bulb you already have. If you don’t want to pay for a specifically coloured LED or traditional bulb this DIY method can save you money.

You may want to paint a light bulb to soften its brightness and create warmer lighting in a room. You could be hosting a themed event or party and want to utilise some resources you already have to transform your bulbs into stunning colourful decorations. 

Which LED lights are best for painting? 

LED ceiling panels are backlit so the lights are on the inside of the panel and shine through the material. This means you’ll be able to paint the panel itself and not the actual LED lights and still benefit from light shining through. This minimises the risk of any burning or overheating paint as the paint is not directly touching the light source. 

An LED bulb like the Kanlux Rapid is a great choice for painting. It has a low wattage of 6.5w, making it a safer option for less heat production. This type of GLS A60 bulb also has brilliant energy saving and lasts more than 4 times longer than other bulbs. To find out more about LED lifespan check out our dedicated blog on how long LED lights last.

What paints can you use to paint your light bulbs?

One of the most crucial steps to ensuring your painted bulb is safe to use is by choosing the correct paint for the job. There are a few paints to use but for the best results, we’d recommend:

Glass paint 

Glass paint is a good option if you’re looking for paint in crafts or hobby stores. This paint is heat resistant as it is designed for use on glass that is in the sun or under bright lights. This means it is safe to use LED bulbs and reduces the risk of overheating.  

Specially designed light bulb paint 

There are a few brands that offer ready-made bulb paint lacquer. This paint is a type of tint that comes in a range of colours and is designed for plastic lights. It’s most commonly used in automotive sectors for tinting car and bike lights but works the same way on any plastic LED light. 

How do you paint a lightbulb?

Painting a lightbulb is easy once you have the right equipment and you can have the final result in 5 simple steps:

  1. Choose the lightbulb you want to paint. A bulb under 40W is a must but the lower the wattage the better as this will produce less heat.
  2. Make sure your bulb is clean by giving it a wipe-down with a cotton pad and some rubbing alcohol to ensure it’s clean and dust-free.
  3. Grab your chosen paint and a brush and begin painting. If your paint comes with a brush use the one provided. Be sure to leave and melt parts unpainted
  4. Set your bulb down to dry and secure it in place with tac to ensure it doesn’t roll when drying. 
  5. Once dry, you’re finished painting and ready to test out your new bulb colour!

What are some alternatives to painting light bulbs?

If you want to paint your lightbulbs you might have to compromise on the brightness of your bulb. However, if you want to enjoy colourful lights without the hassle and downsides of painting them, you can invest in LED light strips. These lights come in a range of colours and can also include a remote that allows you to customise your lighting settings and colours with remote access. 

You can also purchase cabochon lights that come in an array of colours. These can be arranged to create a powerful bright fairground lighting look that’s perfect for the home and businesses. 

Colourful lighting from Vision Lighting 

Can you paint a light bulb? By now you should know how to transform a plain LED bulb into a stunning new colour using paint. Whether you’re looking to purchase coloured lights or DIY your own coloured lights, we have a wide range of brilliant LED lights at Vision Lighting to provide you with long-lasting, high-quality illumination. 

If you’re not sure what lighting is best for you, get in touch with our experts and we’ll be able to guide you to the right product. 

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